Thursday, November 02, 2006

Blogging for Votes

I think that the best feeling ever, is the act of spotting and exposing someone who is full of shit. There's nothing more pleasing than finding some asshole that rambles on, and pretends to know everything about a particular subject matter and its facts. And then just plastering a big fat, "YOU'RE A MORON" statement right in his/her face. No really, there is no greater feeling. You should try it sometime if you don't think it's true.

Political Blogs provide plenty of these opportunities at all ends of the political spectrum. Ideologues, with plenty of emotion but little literature or proof to back it up, clog these websites where all you need to express, whatever it is you want to express, is an e-mail address, a keyboard, and only a basic understanding of the English language.

This is potentially very dangerous, because many people might take what they are saying as fact, instead of propaganda, especially if it’s on a site that sells these things as fact. Blogs can have this effect, and this could possibly be the recent phenomenon’s biggest flaw.

This seems to be less the case when exploring the more left-wing blogs, who at least attempt to post stats, quotes, and graphs, to illustrate a point. At the, a Democratic blog, the posts contain background information, each with sources, citations, video, polls, and/or stats. Even places more focus on video and just straight news coverage as opposed to opinion, even though each post does not contain as much information as the dailykos. Turn to Republican blogs, like, and, and the story is different.

They write their ridiculous headlines like "Just In Case You Think the Left Is Patriotic", “Liberal Thought Police Rumble On”, that contain just simple opinion with no backup that is far-fetched to say the least, and completely miss any type of countering argument. This is not to say that Democratic blogs show the countering argument either, but some of the arguments posed by these bloggers are plainly ludicrous.

With the first article, a writer by the name of Jonathan P., states that “liberals themselves have done the greatest damage to our civil rights” citing the example of censorship in the Michigan school system as they have removed Huckleberry Finn from the bookshelves. Excuse me, while I make you look like a moron, Jonathan P.

What about the elimination of Habeas Corpus by the Bush administration? The government can now legally go into your house, and ship you off to Guantanamo Bay Cuba. And speaking of Guantanamo, the military has taken many Iraqis and others from the Middle East and placed them in camps across the world, as well as in Cuba, some without charges, for months. What about the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act? Your statement Jonathan Prick, makes no sense at all. These could be some of the most damaging effects on our civil rights in the history of the country, and they were all done on the watch of a Republican Congress, and the Bush administration, and you're talking about the elimination of Huckleberry Finn from bookshelves?

The article, written by Mark Noonan, a conservative blogger who has recently been contracted to write a book about the corruption of Democrats, wrote on this website how all Democrats “view our troops as war criminals” and “as far as the left is concerned all our soldiers do is murder innocent people”. He relates this to Vietnam, and how when soldiers came back to the US they were greeted with “spit and insults”. Alright alright, relax Marky.

All Dems don’t support the troops? That’s ridiculous. And the military definitely deserves some of the flack that they are getting, especially with some of the videos coming in from Iraq like on Frontline, and some that are posted on YouTube, like the one below.

Vietnam wasn’t exactly a great thing either for the military’s reputation. Has Mark heard about My Lai, Vietnam? What about Lieutenant William Calley? Does it ring a bell? It should, for it actually was the murdering of hundreds (the figures most cited are 347 and 504) of defenseless Vietnamese civilians by Charlie Company. Republicans should probably try to keep the words Vietnam and Iraq as far away from each other as possible.

To give the conservatives credit, there are some blogs that present arguments with background and not just opinionated propaganda, such as This blog provides powerful analysis, and good arguments on issues especially recently on Kerry’s statements on the education-level of Iraqi soldiers.


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